Sunday 29 May 2011

Here's an impression of the experience of walking in Clissold Park, near where I live. Some years ago there was a vast terrapin population living in the New River, which runs through the park. On sunny days the terrapins would climb onto the river banks to doze in the sunshine. Then the local council decided to remove them as they were not a species native to the British Isles. Sadly, the council did this in the clumsiest way possible, which resulted in terrapins fleeing onto nearby roads, with inevitable results. On sunny days when I walk by the river, I think of them, one on top of another on top of another, ghostly little towers of basking terrapins on the riverbank.

Sunday 22 May 2011

I've just returned from Spain, where I spent some time in Seville and Cordoba. At night the streets are bathed in the soft, warm light of sodium lights. One evening in Seville, the sounds of a woman singing flamenco in the café in the street below drifted up to our terrace. In the mornings the air was filled with the cries of house martins, wheeling and diving over the rooftops. And chatting to a waiter one evening who wanted to travel to London to see the rain. Andalucía has won my heart.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Sunday 8 May 2011

This is a Victorian gravestone in Abney Park Cemetery in Stoke Newington. There's something boldly complacent about the 'satisfied' in an age where religious belief held much greater weight than today  as if one's deity has passed muster after being critically assessed. In this same cemetery there are also later gravestones with images of cars and bicycles on them. I like to think these items were highly valued by the individual buried in the grave, rather than what ran them over and killed them.

Sunday 1 May 2011

The Museum of Miniature Found Objects is delighted to announce that submission of found objects is now open to the general public.

Those wishing to submit their entries should first send a photo of their object to the Museum Submissions Committee (; the Committee requires all photos to be jpegs with a resolution of 72 pixels/inch). All submissions must follow the entry criteria:

(i)   Items must measure no more than 50mm by 50mm by 50mm.
(ii)  They must be found by chance.
(iii) They can be found in any environment outside the home.
(iv) They must be made of a durable material.
(v)  On finding an object, the time, place and date of finding must be recorded.

Once the appraisal process has been completed, the Submissions Committee may then invite the entrant to send in their object to the museum, where it will join the museum's permanent collection. Please note, the Submissions Committee's decision is final.